Saya Siap Membantu Semua Desain Arsitektur Yang Anda Butuhkan.

( Rumah Tinggal, Kantor, Ruko, Hotel, Apartment, Villa, Plaza, Toko,Gudang Dll )

Hanya 3 proses saja Impian anda akan terwujud ikuti langkah-langkahnya dibawah ini……………


- Biaya desain sangat murah, jauh dibawah harga normal.
- Tata letak ruangan di dalam rumah akan lebih teratur
- Memanfaatkan secara maksimal luas lahan.
- Efisien karena konsultasi dapat dilakukan dimanapun Anda / Klien berada.

Desain yang akan Anda / Klien dapatkan meliputi :

- Lay Out
- Site Plan
- Denah lt. 01, dst
- Tampak Depan & Samping
- Potongan A-A & B-B
- Perspektif 1 View

( Semua pengerjaan secara digital atau cetak kertas A3 )

Gratis untuk Anda / Klien yang menggunakan jasa kami :

- 2 (dua) kali revisi gambar (bukan revisi total)
- 2 (dua) kali konsultasi via email/sms/chat/call : 08121795425
- Biaya kirim melalui TiKi di Indonesia
- Desain-desain untuk keperluan tempat ibadah/sosial hanya kena biaya cetak & kirim

Hari Ini Fee Desain : Rp. 20.000,- per m²

Minimal Luas Bangunan 400 m2

< 400 m2 = 400 m2

Bila menghendaki gambar kerja lebih detail

harga nego

Proses Kerja

Untuk mendesain rumah Anda dengan order online, maka berikut tahap proses yang akan dilakukan :

I. Data dari Anda / Klien :

- Ukuran tanah : 20 x 20 = 400 m²

- Jumlah, ukuran dan fungsi ruang (misalnya Anda / Klien menginginkan nanti ruangannya apa aja, bangunannya 2 lantai, ada dapur teras r tamu dll) kalau bisa lampirkan foto/gambar bangunan sebagai pendekatan

- Peraturan bangunan dari lokal dan pemerintah daerah (misalnya garis sepadan bangunan)

- Peta Lokasi ( Arah Mata Angin, posisi lahan ada di mana )

* ANDA SCAN KIRIM EMAIL KE : onarsitek@yahoo.com

Beritahu saya sms ke : 08121795425

II. Analisa dari Kami

- Perkiraan luas bangunan : Mis : 600 m² (Untuk Teras, Selasar dihitung 50 %nya )

Perkiraan biaya :

Rp. 20.000,- / m² x 600 m² = Rp. 12.000.000,-

- Kami sampaikan biaya yang harus Anda / Klien bayarkan dan kami akan kirimkan desain awal rumah dalam format jpg / gif via email untuk ditanggapi

- Setelah Anda / Klien setuju, lakukan transfer ke rekening kami sejumlah 50% dari perkiraan biaya :

Rp. 12.000.000 x 50% = Rp. 6.000.000,-

- Kirim konfirmasi pembayaran melalui email/sms ke 08121795425

berupa : *Nama*tanggal transfer*Nominalnya*.

Misal : *Budi*25/03/09*6.000.000*

* HUB SAYA – NEGO – ANDA TRANSFER KE : BNI 46 Cab. Unair Surabaya – 9025202-1

III. Gambar Paket

- Kami kerjakan kurang lebih 2 (dua) minggu (tergantung tingkat kesulitan),

- Selesai dan kondisi akhir luas bangunan 500 m² (termasuk luas teras,selasar dihitung 50 % ) dengan perhitungan biaya :

Total biaya akhir = Rp. 20.000,- / m² x 500 m²

= Rp.10.000.000,-

Sisa pembayaran = Rp.10.000.000,- - Rp. 6.000.000,-

= Rp. 4.000.000,-

- Setelah Desain selesai saya beritahu anda dan kirim format JPG lewat email.

- Anda / Klien melakukan pembayaran sisa transfer

ke rekening kami sejumlah Rp. 4.000.000,-

- Setelah transfer saya terima maka gambar akan saya cetak A3 dan saya kirim ke alamat anda



Cepat Wujudkan IMPIAN ANDA Dengan 3 Proses diatas.

Kontak Saya :


Rachmat Prasetyo, ST



Jl. Jojoran I-G/11 Surabaya

Rabu, 28 April 2010

Designing Your Own Home With Software

Designing Your Own Home With Software

Designing your own home with software can be quite simple. Today’s advanced home design software can allow you to design every element of your home from your own computer, without advanced architecture training! Home design software allows you to plan your home from start to finish so that the end result is something that you can be proud of.
Buying the Software
Picking out the software should be based on user friendliness, read reviews before buying and keep in mind cheaper is not always the best value. If you have to pay a little more for software that comes with some type of tech support that may be an option worth looking into. There are plenty of options on the market that range from $99-$500 or more. There are some free versions of this type of software online – but they typically don’t have as many features as other types of software suites that you can purchase.
Before you begin designing your own home with software, consider the needs of your family or your future family. How many bedrooms will be needed? How big will the rooms be? How many square feet can realistically be afforded? Is there a need for a formal dining area? How many bathrooms? These considerations seem rather elementary but they absolutely have to be addressed. Designing your own home with software may leave the home with five bedrooms and one bathroom. So, much consideration will have to go into the needs of the occupants of the home before the design can begin. Buy a notebook to jot down consideration, ideas, budget and research. It is harder to ignore something if it is in writing.
Budget is a huge factor of the design element. Designing your own home with software makes it easy to get carried away with wants. Pre determine the cost of square footage built. Talk to builders in the area to get a general average of what it cost per square foot so that when the design phase begins determinations can be made about needs and wants and where the money can be spent. Designing your own home only to find out you cannot afford what you designed is best avoided, better to be realistic from the start and stick to a budget.
Get inspiration and ideas from homes that are in the area. Look at design magazines, search the world wide web to gather ideas and inspiration.desain rumah minimalis online Most design software comes with the ability to place furnishings and appliances in a space to give a more realistic idea of what a given space can and cannot support. Visit with friends, neighbors and relatives to check out spaces. Visit design schools in the area if there are any available. Taking a class at a community college would also be a step in the right direction.
Begin the Design
Once all the research is complete and the vision is in place starting the design will be the fun part of the process. Gather all of your information to include your notebook. Follow the directions that came with your software and beginning designing your own home from software.
from : www.sellandrentback2u.co.uk/designing-your-own-home-with-software/

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